Bulletin (Newsletter)
The Bulletin (newsletter) is published three times a year in February, June and October.
There are 20 A4 pages in each issue. It is fully illustrated and usually contains:
- Diary of events
- Notices
- Reports on past meetings, conferences and excursions
- Brief articles related to brasses and incised slabs
- Book reviews
- Notes on books and articles on brasses, incised slabs and related ecclesiology.
The Bulletin is available online from 2010 onwards.
Bulletin 117 (June 2011)
- Diary of Events
- Meeting Report:
St. Mary’s Islington, St. John’s Clerkenwell
and St. James’ Clerkenwell – 2nd April 2011
by Stephen Freeth - AROUND THE COUNTRY
by Martin Stuchfield
by Michael Harris
by Janet Whitham
by Patrick Farman
by Patrick Farman - The brass to Dietrich III von Bocksdorf,
Naumburg Cathedral
by Reinhard Lamp - New light on the brass at Stoke-in-Teignhead, Devon
by Nigel Saul - Valetta
by Peter Heseltine - Under the Carpet
by Leslie Smith - Notes on Books, Articles and the Internet
Bulletin 117 (June 2011) -
Bulletin 116 (February 2011)
- Diary of Events
- Meeting Reports:
Long Melford Study Day – 25th September 2010
Five Hundred and Seventy-two Red Roses
by Rosalind Willatts
The Wallace Collection – 13th November 2010
by Martin Stuchfield
by Patrick Farman
by Martin Stuchfield - Claude Blair Memorial Conservation Fund
by Sally Badham - Purbeck indent fragments at Bolton Priory, Skipton
by John Blatchly - A Brand New Brass for the V&A Museum
by David Meara - Brasses in Meissen Cathedral, Germany
by Paul Custerson - Notes on Books, Articles and the Internet
Bulletin 116 (February 2011) -
Bulletin 115 (September 2010)
- Diary of Events
- Meeting Reports:
The Society at Kalamazoo – 13th to 16th May 2010
by Robin Netherton
Annual General Meeting – 10th July 2010
by Martin Stuchfield - AROUND THE COUNTRY
by Patrick Farman
by Martin Stuchfield - An early 14th century Norman-French pardon brass
lost from the chancel of St. Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich
by John Blatchly - Edward Saunders of
Harrington and Rothwell, Northamptonshire
by Doreen Agutter - A Lombardic marginal inscription discovered
in the City of London
by Stephen Freeth - John Byng: Brass Collector
by Philip Whittemore - Brass on Glass
by Jane Houghton and Janet Whitham - The Remains of Queen Edith
by Nicholas Rogers - Ludlow and Ludford
- Notes on Books, Articles and the Internet
Bulletin 115 (September 2010) -
Bulletin 114 (May 2010)
- Diary of Events
- Personalia: Claude Blair, C.V.O., O.B.E., M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A.
(1922-2010) - Meeting Reports:
Brasses in Private Possession
Church visit: St. Mary the Virgin, Harefield
by Hubert Allen - A Norwich-3c Inscription in Dublin
by Stephen Freeth - AROUND THE COUNTIES
by Patrick Farman - Stolen Brasses Recovered
by Martin Stuchfield - An Experience among Brazen Princes
by Reinhard Lamp - The naming of arms (II)
by Ronald Van Belle - Notes on Books, Articles and the Internet
Bulletin 114 (May 2010) -
Bulletin 113 (January 2010)
- Diary of Events
- Meeting Reports:
London Church Visit –
St. Andrew Undershaft
Monumental Brass Society 2009 Conference
‘Canons, Clergy and Churchmen’
by Rhianydd Biebrach
Annual General Meeting – 3rd October 2009
by Martin Stuchfield - The Elephant in Medieval Art
by David Lillistone and Janet Whitham - AROUND THE COUNTIES
by Janet Whitham
by Patrick Farman - Dead Men Do Tell Tales
Enlisting support for Richard III from beyond the grave:
Geoffrey Kidwelly of Little Wittenham
by Jonathan Moor - Book Review
- Notes on Books & Articles
Bulletin 113 (January 2010)
Right: detail from the monumental brass to Margaret, (daughter and heir of Sir John Bernard), wife of Thomas Peyton, esq., 1484, from Isleham, Cambridgeshire. Photo: ©Martin Stuchfield